A variety of cultural issues, social stories, learning perspectives and other themes that resonate with young people are brought together and discussed here. Through lectures and conversations, you can share your own life experiences and methods. Different depth of contents which are all true words make learning more practical and broaden the vision.
▍時間:5/17(五) 17:30-18:30
展覽主題 │ 喧嘩、珊瑚、什錦麵 Noise, Sanga, Mixed-Noodles
展覽期間 │ 2019/ 05/16(四)- 2019/05/19(日)
展覽地點 │ 臺北 華山1914文化產業園區
活動網站 │http://www.ozzie-art.com/zsytpe19/